

Bioenergetic Scans


Customized Imprints


1:1 Private Consultations


Bioenergetic Scans For Pets


Bioenergetic Scans

Bioenergetic scanning is a non-invasive, holistic approach to wellness.  We use state-of-the art software and technology and assess biological samples (hair, saliva, and nails) to measure the body’s energy flow.

From the body’s energy flow, we are able to identify resonating stress and weakness in relation to imbalances in organs, systems, glands, vitamins, minerals, hormones, toxins, emotions, food sensitivities and more.  Using the same method, we can find solutions for getting the body back into a state of homeostasis. The goal is to find imbalances and balance them so we can get back to optimal wellness.  A balanced body means ideal health.  An imbalanced body leads to malfunction and disease process. 


Customized Imprints

Every scan comes with a complementary Customized Imprinted Tincture, which helps to restore balance to your body.  Plus applicable shipping. 

What is a Customized Tincture?  This is a dropper bottle of water, alcohol and balancing frequencies.  It is approximately 20% alcohol by volume, and the alcohol is there to help retain the water memory.  How? I take the information (energetic frequencies) from your scans and using cutting-edge technology, I can imprint these into the water and alcohol solution.  Your remedy is then hand succussed and your scan indicates the quantity & duration to take these.

For those of you that don’t want an alcohol solution, no worries.  There’s many other options! Please advise me if this is your wish.


1:1 Private Consultations

I provide support through 1:1 virtual consultations.  Here, I provide detailed scan reviews and tie this together with the information submitted on your detailed intake form.

In these consultations, I will help you understand the bioenergetic scan reports and how this fits into your journey.  Using your scan results and health history, we will assess your bio-individual nutrition and lifestyle needs and draw a plan for you to build you a strong foundation that you can start implementing.   This process is a journey, the longer you have been dealing with something, the longer it will take to resolve.  Most people who have met their goals through my work do on average 3 scans in a year with 1 extra consult.  


Bioenergetic Scans For Pets

Bioenergetic scanning is GREAT for pets!  And we use a non-invasive, holistic approach.  We use state-of-the art software and technology and assess biological samples (fur, saliva, and nails) to measure the body’s energy flow.

From the body’s energy flow, we are able to identify resonating stress and weakness in relation to imbalances in organs, systems, glands, vitamins, minerals, hormones, toxins, emotions, food sensitivities and more.  Using the same method, we can find solutions for getting the animal back into a state of homeostasis. The goal is to find imbalances and balance them so we can get back to optimal wellness.  A balanced body means ideal health.  An imbalanced body leads to malfunction and disease process. 

Reach Out To Us

Do you want more information or have questions? 

Feel free to reach out to us.