Frequently Asked Questions

Energy in Bioenergetic Scanning

How Do I Get Started?

Please send us an email and request the scan(s) you would like.  Next, we will send you an invoice.  Once the invoice is paid we will send you detailed instructions on how to collect and send in your samples and also a detailed health history questionnaire.  Please ensure to fill out the questionnaire within 24 hours of collecting your sample.

Here’s a quick recap:

  1. Request Scans.
  2. Pay Invoice.
  3. Collect Samples.
  4. Complete Questionnaire.
  5. Mail Samples & Questionnaire. 

You will receive an email confirming that we received your samples as soon as we get them.


You can use tracking if you would like to watch when your samples are picked up. 

How Long Does It Take For Me To Get My Report?

You can expect your report within 21 days of the date we received it. 

How Do I Get My Report?

Once your report is ready you will get an email confirming that it’s done and instructions to book a 1:1 Consultation.  Once the Consultation is booked you will receive your report. Any resonating toxins will be discussed in your consultation.

How Many Scans Will I Need?

Every person is different.  We compare bioenergetic work like peeling away the layers of an onion.  The first layer might only expose surface layer imbalances that need to be worked on, but the second or third scan might get to the middle of the onion (meaning the root cause of your issues).  Once we get to the root cause, this is when people have noticeable improvements in terms of their symptoms. (This is NON-DIAGNOSTIC)  


Most people have good results with a few scans and a few rounds of imprint remedies.  On the other hand, some people only need one in a year.  It totally depends on what YOU need. If you have been dealing with symptoms for over a year, I would recommend testing every 6-8 weeks.  Soon, you’ll be able to scale that back to 1-3 scans in a year.  Don’t worry, I can walk you through all of this!


If you need to keep the costs down I would recommend starting with the Comprehensive Scan.  Then after this if you need more scans we can discuss options.  If your budget allows, you can get another Comprehensive Scan as a follow-up to see exactly what’s changed.  If you are looking for savings, you can try either a follow-up scan or a Remedy Scan (not listed on the site) for a fraction of the cost.  


Ask me about volume discounts!

How Long Will My Protocol Be?

Everybody is bio-individually unique.  Your scan results from your samples will indicate the length of time to take your imprint drops.  This will range from about 4 weeks to 6 weeks.  

When Do I Order A Second Scan?

A second scan can be ordered anytime after you finish your imprint drops.  So on average about 4 weeks – 6 weeks after your first scan. 


Our only covenant is that Follow-Up Scans must be ordered within 12 months of your Comprehensive Scan.  If 12 months has gone by since your last Comprehensive Scan we strongly suggest to start with another Comprehensive Scan.  Your body is always changing trying to find homeostasis and this will be reflective on a new Comprehensive Scan.  Why? We feel it is important to see an updated picture of resonating energetic toxins and imbalances in organs and systems to give you the best protocol possible. We like to test & not guess. 


Do I Have To Take My Hair Sample From The Root?

No.  A clipping is sufficient from your head, or anywhere on your body.  We ask for a sample size equivalent to the size of a teaspoon. 

What If I Don't Have Enough Hair?

Please note that hair samples can be collected from anywhere on the body.  If you still don’t have enough hair you can use hair and nail clippings.  Or if you don’t have any hair you can use just nail clippings.

What If My Hair Is Dyed?

No problem.  That will not interfere with your scan results.  We scan based on energy.

How Long Will My Samples Be Good For?

There’s no specific timeline for a sample not being good anymore, but we ask that you take your sample within the same week of mailing it.  

What If I'm Sending In A Sample For More Than One Person or Animal?

Please use separate envelopes for each individual.  For example if you are sending in  samples for you, your spouse and your dog you will have one envelope for your samples, a second envelop for your spouse’s samples and a third envelope for your pet’s samples. 


Also, please note, we offer discounts for 3 or more scans when ordered at the same time!

Is This DNA Testing?

No. This is Bioenergetic Scanning and it is different than DNA testing.  Your hair and saliva samples have energetic informational patterns and responses that we measure.  We are NOT looking at medical or chemical quantitative values.  Each test gives a unique qualitative picture for the individual, which comes from the response gathered during that specific exchange of information.

Other Questions

What's Your Refund Policy?

All scan sales are final.  We do not offer refunds on any scan sales at this time.

What If I Can't Make My Consultation?

We kindly ask for 48 hours notice.  We ask this because we take a lot of time and effort to prepare for our highly individualized consults. 


We do however understand that emergencies come up, if this happens please contact us as soon as possible and we will work with you to reschedule a better time for you.

What Are Your Accreditations?

  • Certified Holistic Nutritionist
  • Certified Holistic Nutrition Health Coach
  • Certified Bioenergetic Testing Professional

Reach Out To Us

Do you want more information or have questions?

Feel free to reach out to us.